July 21, 2010

What I want... or... what I think I want.

So I've been living in this lovely little one bedroom apartment for about 8 months and am finally, FINALLY getting the urge to furnish it. I'm starting to see (rather clearly) how it will look... I'm getting visions! So to help materialize my wishes I'm going to post some pix of the objet d'arts that I've got my shopping eye on.

First God said... "let there be light, for crying out loud! Oy!" (I've got a clear visual of Billy Crystal saying that. Who comes to mind for you?)


There is also a desk, some side tables, and a chest of drawers on that list too... all from ikea! Heck, while I'm at it why don't I just post what I reallllly want...

A girl can dream huh?.... well I am. (I'll show you more of that later.)