July 26, 2010

Out Shopping

So the blog business is starting out a bit slow. I think, no, I feel pretty certain that my inner Bradshaw is out shopping.

In fact all of me is feeling incredibly tugged to slow things down and chill. However this is only temporary. This sleepy volcano will be erupting in no time with a blaze of brilliance and then, you'll be wishing I would STOP! In the meantime, I'll post a couple of pics of my cute, CUTE cat Oliver and ponder more on the evolution of my blog's title. Any suggestions?...

He makes it look soooo easy.

Ok, caio for now... (I promise!) ;=)

July 21, 2010

What I want... or... what I think I want.

So I've been living in this lovely little one bedroom apartment for about 8 months and am finally, FINALLY getting the urge to furnish it. I'm starting to see (rather clearly) how it will look... I'm getting visions! So to help materialize my wishes I'm going to post some pix of the objet d'arts that I've got my shopping eye on.

First God said... "let there be light, for crying out loud! Oy!" (I've got a clear visual of Billy Crystal saying that. Who comes to mind for you?)


There is also a desk, some side tables, and a chest of drawers on that list too... all from ikea! Heck, while I'm at it why don't I just post what I reallllly want...

A girl can dream huh?.... well I am. (I'll show you more of that later.)

July 20, 2010

Day 1

Ok. I'm starting a blog. It's my first day and I'm a little nervous. I've never done this before but by the looks of other blogs... it looks to be fun and rather easy! I'm still not sure what my main focus will be for mine, but perhaps that's not relevant just yet. I'll have fun as I go along, and hopefully, post something that will be of interest to you. Writing, and speaking, is something that doesn't come naturally to me... and perhaps that's the beauty of this new venture. I'm sure it will be an interesting challenge and discovery of my own voice. What it looks like, how it sounds, what it has to say. As my profile mentions, I'm a budding photographer. I focus mainly on travel and location, street photography, and flowers. I'm currently endeavoring to shoot fashion and portraiture. Photos will be coming!