August 18, 2010

To die for...

This morning I stumbled upon a new favorite blog to follow, Style File, (thanks to Content in a Cottage) and look at what she spotted!  I'm so excited about the ideas presented... they are simply gorgeous!

(images by Nicolas Matheus)

(image by Lerkenfeldt Photography) 

Similar plates are available from Le Souk.

How do you feel about the blues?... 

Photography by Ditte Isager.

And now, my favorite for last... exquisite french nurseries...

(nursery images by Marie Claire Maison)
If you have a moment take a look at The Style File, a blog written by Danielle De Lange.  She is based in the Netherlands and gives a wonderful source for more inspiring ideas related to home.  And now, I need to go see about some Dr. Suess high-tops (designed by Converse)!...

Cheers and caio for now!